Hypnotherapy for Young People & Exam Stress
Hypnotherapy for Young People & Exam Stress in Northumberland
So-Hypno can visit schools, universities and learning institutes to deliver group hypnotherapy sessions. Our sessions help participants cope with exam stress and learn coping strategies they can apply at any time.
Over the last 2 years, we have carried out workshops to groups of teenagers experiencing Pre Exam stress. Our hypnotherapy for children focuses on teaching the participants breathing, visualisation and relaxation techniques.
We deliver classroom sessions at a local forward-thinking high school, and this has been met with great positivity from pupils, teachers and parents. Plans are in the pipeline to deliver a program to the teaching staff to reduce stress in the workplace.
Young adults can feel as if they are carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders. There is so much pressure surrounding them. They feel pressure from teachers, parents and peer groups but often the most pressure is the pressure they put on themselves. Our workshops give them the space to remove the ‘mental chatter’ inside their heads. By stopping and having quiet time, the process can bring clarity and calmness.
With the introduction of social media, young people now experience higher levels of anxiety than ever before. They feel an extraordinary pressure to ‘fit in’, ‘ look a certain way’ and ‘not mess up’
Hypnotherapy for Children and Young Adults
Hypnotherapy for children and young adults will not only help with exam stress but will become a life skill. Once you learn the relaxation techniques they become a tool that you can always utilise throughout stressful periods of life, whether it is during exams, interviews, relationships or decision making.