What’s Holding You Back?
We all experience times of self -doubt, self -sabotage and low self- esteem. Feeling that we are not good enough. This then can lead to missed opportunities, that dream job you didn’t apply for because you were sure you weren’t qualified enough and that there would be someone who would be a much better candidate than you. The chance to experience amazing adventures lost because fear and self- doubt got in the way.
Do you wish you could live your best life …. could that be easy to achieve?
It starts by changing the way you view yourself.
“Nobody makes you feel the way that you feel, only you do that.”
I learned this during my first class with my Hypnotherapy trainer and it has stuck with me ….. probably because it is so simple and yet so very true.
Take note of how you talk to yourself.
Do you show yourself love and respect? If not……why not make NOW the time to start.
Shift your view. Change the negative to a positive, putting the word ‘CAN’ into sentences where before you would automatically say ‘CANNOT.’
This is a process and change won’t happen overnight but you will start to see a shift and you will be the one who benefits from these changes.
We Empower You To Make The Changes You Want In Your Life.
At So Hypno, we help clients to achieve their goals through hypnotherapy. We provide a natural alternative to tackling problems in a safe and confidential environment. We can deliver hypnotherapy sessions in Northumberland, Cumbria, Country Durham, Tyne and Wear as well as throughout the UK via Skype or Zoom.
Our Services